Thousands of immigrants come into our country every year to become citizens of this great country. All Americans are immigrants; or are descendants of immigrants. Regardless of family history we all trace our families to someone who came here from another country.
One of the reasons America is one of the greatest countries in this world is immigration. There is a tremendous variety of cultures that make up this country. It is not about what we look like, sound like or believe. We live here in this great country and blend our cultures. We respect and encourage the merging of our various differences.
It is the blending together of a multitude of different people that defines AMERICANS. Consider the first Americans. Their way of life, who they were as individuals, contributed to a coming together to help individuals and communities grow. This is not a conscious process. This merging of minds contributes to the greatness of our AMERICAN culture. As the differences come together, we work to become something greater.
Our American foods are actually contributions from other countries. As an example, my mother’s roots contribute to foods that I savor. When comparing holiday celebrations with other people I find that most people have never heard of them. Another interesting observation I have seen is that some of my favorite cuisine is now in supermarkets although years ago these were not available to the general public. Music is fascinating in the way different types of music have merged to be a genre of there own.
All immigrants who come to America can legally become citizens through a learning process called naturalization which guarantees specific rights and obligations. A citizen has a legal right to live in our country. One of the most important rights is the right to vote.
Immigrants are welcome in our country. Immigrants can become citizens with all the rights associated with citizenship. An immigrant who does not become a citizen and commits a crime is deported.
America protects its borders to provide security. Immigration laws protect Americans from criminal activity as well as job protection. Our economy is harmed by illegal immigrants who take jobs from American citizens. It is illegal to enter our country without going through the normal process.
United States Border Protection (USBP) manages our borders to prevent illegal entry into America. USBP patrols the border with drones, on horseback, in various vehicles, and the use of technology.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) works within our borders to investigate and deport illegal immigrants, stop illegal drug trafficking, and smuggling.
Thousands of immigrants come into our country every year to become citizens. All legal immigrants who come to America can legally become citizens that contribute to the greatness of the United States of AMERICA.